He was born and brought up Transformational leadership is the best strategy for the establishment of Through transformational leadership, nurses are Transformational leadership is the best strategy for the establishment of Through transformational leadership, nurses are motivated to act in an. Sarah Getts, 77 yr-old, Dx- Chronic Renal Failure, admitted with hyperkalemia (5.9, Eq/L)/hyponatremia (128mEq/L). - Remove the dinner tray and make sure the diet is soft food. 4ml x 90 x 20. all possible Diagnoses and all possible should be Procedure 1) Sarah Getts Room 301 Sarah Getts, 77 yr-old, Dx- Chronic . - Patient and family should verbalize understanding of discharge instructions. Alert and cooperative. - Contact social services to discuss options for payment Disturbed Sensory Perception- False Infection, risk for- True. Three decades ago, UNICEF paid US$ 0.12 per unit of an AD syringe. - Have the family step out of the room. Nam risus, acinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Donald Lyles Select appropriate nursing concerns below based upon patient report above: Acute Pain-False Vital signs -Temp 98.8, BP 102/76, P 102- irregular, RR 22, SaO2 90%, cardiovascular on telemetry with Sinus irregular rhythm. Explain HIPAA Pain - Increased Infection, risk for- True. Her first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage at 10 weeks gestation. - Tell the patient to call immediately if the chest pain gets worse or they become short of breath RS. - Assess patient and families readiness to learn. - Give NS liter bolus - Ensure no one in the room is touching the patient or the bed and cardiovert. - Notify Healthcare provider and Supervisor to initiate an incident report. - Ensure there is suction in the room, and check - Notify HCP of fall, complete incident report, - Ask the patient if it is okay to discuss his care in front of his children. Sarah Phillips - 2 challenges. - Contact nutritionist to evaluate caloric needs and nutritional intervention - Provide the patient with the time when HCP will come discuss options with him Knowledge deficit Vital signs are: BP: 146/94, P: 88, R: 22, T: 99.2, PaO2: 94% Blood glucose upon admission is 340 mg/dl, Dotty Hamilton 48 y/o female who has been admitted for bariatric Surgery. - Squeeze the content into the rectum while telling her to take slow deep breaths Peripheral Neurovascular disfunction- False. - Restart the IV and draw CBC - Contact HCP to determine when they are available to speak with the patient - Schedule patient for a CT scan. Fu, pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. - Evaluate Understanding Julia Monroe Select appropriate nursing concerns below based upon patient report above: Acute Pain- True - Assess her current pain level with Wong-Baker FACES scale. - Assure patient that as an adult her medical information is private unless she gives consent for release to other individuals. Until the recent diagnosis of cancer, the patient had only seen a physician once in the last ten years. A company employee who answered the hotline number listed on the Swift River website told The Eagle that without insurance coverage, a 30-day treatment stay for heroin addiction combined with an alcohol problem and a depression diagnosis will run $25,000 "off the bat." - Start a secondary IV line, 20 gauge cath with normal saline TKO (blood tubing). - Encourage fluids and fiber diet Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Donec aliquet. - Document results and findings, - Wash and glove hands - Draw digoxin/ CMP labs as ordered. - Call the local law enforcement to make a report, -Obtain translator They applied some ice to his face, and he decided to go to the post game keg party instead of coming to the ER. He stated that the abdominal pain started a week ago, but he thought it was his ulcer. Health Change - increased Alteration in comfort- True -Assess if the contents of lunch tray are intact. She remains tearful and has been told that her best friend died on the scene. - Set-up for stat portable chest x-ray, - Explain procedure to the patient - Reassure Mr. Jones that he will be safe during his hospital stay. Altered body image, risk for- True - Evaluate patient's understanding of the teaching and discuss home support, - Ensure there is a full O2 tank on the gurney, place patient on Nasal Cannula - Start another IV then DC the first. His difficulty voiding finally motivated him to seek care. Carlos Mancia. - Alteration in physical mobility Because of verbal exclusivity agreements with Time Magazine, Addiction Campuses spokesman Brian Sullivan said he could not speak to the The Eagle about Hiers or Swift River for several months, until after Time runs its larger documentary about the fast-growing nationwide opioid crisis. of 0.9% saline infusing. Clement Hall Select appropriate nursing concerns below based upon patient report above: Acute Pain- True Health Change- Increased - Potential for infection. Sensorium - normal, Educational - increased Fall Risk - increased - Explain the treatment plan for the patient. However, he quit three years ago when he remarried; he and his wife have a nine-month-old baby. Fu, , dictum vitae odio. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. neekneek01. - Explain to the patient that he must remain NPO - Collect pre-op labs. - Inform the patient that the pain medication worsens her constipation, and the fleets' enema has been ordered. - Document Results, - Wash/Glove Hands time and place, speech slurred. - Make referral for substance abuse program, including smoking - Ensure cardio-pads are in place anterior chest and posterior back. - Take patient's family to a quiet room Required fields are marked *. Vital signs are: T: 99.4 F, 37.4 C, P:92, R:18, PaO2: 98%, BP: 102/82 sitting, BP: 90/64 standing, Clement Hall was admitted from ED with a diagnosis of acute Pancreatitis. - Administer pain medication as ordered - Wash and glove hands -Request that the uncle participates in the scheduled psych evaluation, -Provide one-to-one observation generalized weakness with recent weight loss. - Reinforce provider teaching that fibroid uterine masses are rarely cancerous. Potential for injury at home. He was recently diagnosed with stage III prostate cancer. Bleeding- False - NG tube to LIS (low intermittent suction) She is otherwise healthy with some minor anemia. -Sit at an eye level with the patient using nonjudgmental therapeutic communication Nausea- False 11 terms. Heather Bellow, a member of the investigations team, joined The Eagle in 2017. She also takes Metformin to control her Type 2 Diabetes. Regarding her new Steve & Barry line of affo Health Change - increased - Reemphasize to patient that he cannot blow his nose It involves Frank Timmons who was born in the 1964. - Complete skin assessment. 102/76, P 102- irregular, RR 22, SaO2 90%, cardiovascular - Reassess patient to see if patient has had previous reaction to opioids or acyclovir His visual acuity is diminished, and the whites of his eyes are hemorrhaged. - When help arrives, pass off chest compressions and begin respirations. - Provide patient history of event to team. - Discuss his understanding about the plan of care. -Comfort the patient. Health change- Increased - Notify nursing supervisor of the room temperature problem - Potential for alteration in skin integrity Sarah Kathryn Horton 25 -year old graduate student was brought to the emergency room via ambulance after being shot on the local college campus. On Jan. 11 the state Department of Public Health suspended admissions to Swift River's Acute Treatment Services program and began an investigation into the Jan. 6 death of a client, according to department spokeswoman Ann Scales. Key Term sarah getts swift river; Course Hero uses AI to attempt to automatically extract content from documents to surface to you and others so you can study better, e.g., in search results, to enrich docs, and more. - Knowledge deficit Privacy Statement, Stuvia is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university, Pennsylvania State University - All Campuses, Rutgers University - New Brunswick/Piscataway, University Of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign, Essential Environment: The Science Behind the Stories, Everything's an Argument with 2016 MLA Update, Managerial Economics and Business Strategy, Primates of the World: An Illustrated Guide, The State of Texas: Government, Politics, and Policy, IELTS - International English Language Testing System, TOEFL - Test of English as a Foreign Language, USMLE - United States Medical Licensing Examination. - Ensure informed consent for procedures is signed. Jose Martinez Scenario 1 Assess pain level Obtain VS Initial assessment Educate Place med in patient inventory Scenario 2 Assess injury Obtain assistance Take VS Skin assessment Notify provider Scenario 3 Administer med Address skin tear Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. - Make sure you have an accurate weight on the patient and verify the prescribed dosing. - Anxiety - Instruct patient not to get up without assistance. - Identify patient GREAT BARRINGTON Without spending a penny, Carla Hiers kicked a lifelong heroin habit at an upscale Cummington detox center. - Perform a rapid assessment of the patient to ensure she was not injured sarah getts room 301 sarah getts swift river answers swift river sarah getts med surg sarah getts sarah getts room 303 viola cumble scenario swift river. - Review pain medication order, - Check physician Ambulation orders Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, a. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, d, m risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. No known allergies (NKA). - Orient patient and husband to the unit. . At Swift River, high-end drug treatment that can't be for everyone. Clear chest and high blood pressure 2. He has a 20-year one pack history of smoking. Nam risus ante, dapibus a m, ongue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. - Full assessment Fall Risk - increased - Ensure surgical consents have been signed and review all pre-operative orders -Ask the patient if she has had the procedures previously. The Addiction Campuses website says if all else fails, it offers financing, from $1,000 to $100,000, at "fair interest rates," depending on one's credit score, with "funds wired within 24 hours" and no "loan origination or prepayment penalties.". - Obtain labs/blood cultures prior to the fluid bolus or administration of antibiotics - Evaluate patients understanding of care Impaired Skin Integrity, Risk for- False Reflect upon a current or previous organization, and consider the organizational mission, vision, and values, as well as the organizational culture, and leadership practices; then discuss:In what ways did the organizational mission, vision, and values reflect a culture of excellence?How were the mission, vision, and values similar to and different from your personal philosophy of nursing and core values?How were the mission and values reflected in the organizational culture and leadership?Recommend one leadership approach or strategy which can be applied to support a culture of excellence within your future MSN role.Include your rationale and the intended impact and how this may affect your future role. VS BP 96/58, P 116, R 18, T 101.2 PaO2 98%. Knowledge deficit-True -Administer IV antibiotics, as ordered Admitted directly from the Dr.'s office to the IMCU after initial complaint for tightness in her chest, denies pain, and slight shortness of breath. Estimated fetal weight is 4000 Gm. Contact social services -Notify HCP Notify lead RN One corrective action imposed by the agency for what The Gazette had reported were more than nine "significant violations," was for employees to do bed checks for "signs of life" every 30 minutes. - Be honest with Cameron concerning the need for family support and inform her that the mother is very concerned and has asked to spend the night. quizbowl religion. Mr. Dominec has a male partner and has been married for the past ten years and share their three children in the marriage. High fall risk. - Provide personal hygiene. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. -Request that the uncle come in to help manage the patient Prevent resits and get higher grades by finding the best notes & resources available, written by your fellow students at Swift River. Ramona Stukes Select appropriate nursing concerns below based upon patient report above: - Alteration in mobility - Obtain informed consent for cardiac cath. - Reassure patient that he will be moved to a private room as soon as possible That's because it isn't so easy once detox is over, Michaels noted. - Check blood glucose finger stick and administer sliding scale insulin She is with her physician. - Use therapeutic communication, and offer ice chips, mouth care Pupils PERRLA, eyes clear.20 ga. Hep-Lock in right forearm, skin warm and dry,High fall risk. - Complete incident report, - Wash hands and assess - Ask nursing manager to help debrief and document concerns with what possibly went wrong with patients care. - Administer medication for pain. - Document Results, - Use therapeutic communication/Active Listening - Potential for alteration in tissue integrity Tim Jones 82 -year old male patient of Dr. Diggs just arrived this morning from the local nursing home. Kathy Gestalt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. -Notify charge nurse She has heavy vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor. Julia Monroe While it says Swift River takes a variety of insurance, another company employee told The Eagle it does not accept the state Medicaid program MassHealth. Impaired mobility- True - Potential for bleeding Potential for falls- True. 83 terms. - Perform hand hygiene and don gloves. Our best tutors earn over $7,500 each month! . - Obtain assistance and get her back to bed. 50% intake. He said the coke usually calms down his stomach, but instead, he vomited, and there was no relief of pain. - Ensure pre-operative consent has been signed. - Assess patient LOC, by waking patient and asking them to take deep breaths. - Encourage fluids Donec aliquet, dictum vitae odio. - Place personal aspirin in patient inventory. Her work has appeared in newspapers across the U.S. Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. Now, meeting the CDC definition, he has AIDS. -Provide emotional support and ask open ended nonjudgmental questions. No known allergies (NKA). - Allow expression of feelings She has two through and through gun-shot wounds. - Set-up PCA Swift River Assignment 1. - Talk to physician about a Psych consult for Major Depression, Educational- Increased - Assure the patient that the young lady is being treated, but you cannot give any details on the patient's condition - Inspect catheter to ensure it is not obstructed/kinked - Give IV morphine, 2mg IVP. John Wiggins 26. - Administer antipyretic medication A mass has become palatable just below her umbilicus. jasmine_347. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. However, he quit three years ago when he remarried; he and his wife have a nine-month-old baby. The patients beard caught on fire causing burns on the right of face including his right ear. - Educate patient - Ask the patient if she has had the procedures previously. - Assess vital signs and urinary output. Sarah Getts - 2 challenges. - Restart patients IV A fungus wiped out 3.5 billion American chestnut trees. Family is concerned that she has not been eating or drinking. A mass has become palatable just below her umbilicus. Module leader: She is very excited about the surgery but is also apprehensive. Sarah Jessica Parker gets a romantic hug from John Corbett while filming . Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoree, llentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. - Allow the visitors to enter while maintaining contact isolation, - Establish responsiveness. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. - Educate patient why she cannot take her own medicine. - Evaluate patient's understanding of teaching Pain - normal Then, obtain an order for Colace and inform the provider that you are trying to find a PCA pump. -Document, - Elevate the head of the bed Psychological Needs - increased - Potential for infection. -Place patient on O2 Nasal Canula - Administer nebulizer treatment per HCP order. - Discuss follow up with his doctor. - Sign additional surgical consent, - Complete Neurological Assessment - Call rapid response - Reassess effectiveness of PCA Swift River Sarah Getts Swift River Scenario Fundamental Sarah Getts Swift River Answers Preview 1 out of 4 pages Getting your document ready. - Assess the patient's understanding of her procedure, - Wash hands. Impaired comfort-False - Explain that Docetaxel is a hormone therapy that suppresses the testosterone that your testicles produce producing similar results as surgical intervention. Fall Risk - Increased Fall Risk - increased Dana Fitzgerald Room 309 Health Change - increased - Complete pre-operative assessment , dictum vitae odio. - Complete Neurological assessment Fall Risk - increased - Document results, - Offer assistance From singing with Zac Efron to getting scared in a bathroom,. Falls- Increased Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. She presents to the Maternal-Fetal Medicine Clinic today for a Non-Stress Test (NST). - Provide education regarding heart failure. The employee said the company gives scholarships, however, and would reduce the amount to $22,500 to cover things like travel expenses or circumstances like the loss of a job due to the addiction. -Ask the patient about any metal in or on her body. -Assess environment for patient injury possibilities Patient states, "I'm afraid I will be permanently scarred"! Fluid and electrolyte imbalance, risk for- True 156 terms. - Stress the importance of informing any sexual partners of her STD as they may transmit the disease. Educational- Increased - Document results, - Wash and glove hands SR Meds surrrrgggg. - Place patient on 100% non-rebreather/10L ensuring the reservoir bag is fully expanded Update pt, Follow HIPAA Male. - Assess adequate family support system prior to discharge - Discuss with patient about notifying Doctor for possible Removal of NG Tube. - Reassess patient's physical status prior to leaving him in the hallway, - Assess patient's ABC (airway, breathing, circulation) - Verify call light/bed safety precautions, - Obtain vital signs machine - Anxiety Just what I needed. Health Change- Increased Vital signs -Temp 98.8, BP 102/76, P 102- irregular, RR 22, SaO2 90%, cardiovascular on telemetry with Sinus irregular rhythm. - Inform Mr. Burgundy that he cannot report from the ED, as patient privacy is strictly protected by HIPPA - Assist Anesthesia with insertion of central line. Labs: Na 152, K 5.6, Ca 9, Ma 2.1, BG 262, BUN 22, Creatinine 0.7, Serum Amylase 220 (0-130), Serum Lipase 188 (0-160), Don Johnson There was a warehouse fire that quickly spread to an adjoining neighborhood. - Perform secondary assessment related to patient's anxiety level while using therapeutic communication to decrease patients' stress. - Teach patient to use ointment applicator with gloved hand and avoid scratching and to perform hand hygiene before touching the lesions, - Assess patient's pain (7/10) - Ensure patient privacy and call for help and assist patient to bed once help arrives Clinical 2. She was admitted from the ER complaining of swelling in her legs as well as having gained 5 lbs over the past two days. 20 ga. Hep-Lock in right forearm, skin warm and dry, generalized weakness with recent weight loss. Sarah Getts 23. - Document Results, - Check pedal capillary refill https://explorerecent.com/is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Pupils PERRLA, eyes clear. - Request portable chest Xray to room Shirley Black - 4 challenges. The nurse should establish trust first. - Explain to the patient that he has a procedure, and he cannot eat. -Assist patient out of bed, Introduction to Sports Medicine and Athletic Training. He has a 20g SL to his right hand, that was started in the ER. Fall, Risk for- True - Notify lead nurse Q4Hr and sliding scale insulin 500 different sarah getts swift river quizlet of sarah flashcards on Quizlet op with a splenectomy and femur. Psychological- Increased Sarah Getts Room 308 - You discuss this cough with Mr. Dominec to determine how long he has had it. - Assess vital results She is complaining of abdominal pain and looks pale. The case selected for this discussion is case titled Serial Murderer. swift river new pt 1. - Tell the mother that visitors are welcome, but she can only spend the night if her daughter approves Not required to discuss all 5. - Offer bedpan Falls, risk for- True She also has a history of IBS with opioid-induced chronic constipation. Your matched tutor provides personalized help according to your question details. She has a background history of subfertility with multiple miscarriages. Dr. Rondeau Ann Rails. - Assess the patient's sputum The pain has intensified over the last eight hours. - Patient teaching on dietary, diagnosis, etc. Donec aliquet. Health Change - Increased No known allergies (NKA). Then, assist the patient to commode or onto a bedpan. - Record intake and output Buy their transfer and avoid trouble. - Contact provider before administering additional pain medication. Key Term keaton henderson swift river; Course Hero uses AI to attempt to automatically extract content from documents to surface to you and others so you can study better, e.g., in search results, to enrich docs, and more. Dr Binu Daniel She has sleep apnea, and she brought her CPAP machine. Dr. Starks, Alteration in mobility As an adult she she has the right to privacy but this disease has consequences. Fusce dui lectus, congu, fficitur laoreet. This involves th Pada tahun 1985 ada seseorang pendatang dari Solo yang berjualan jamu diwilayahWonolopo yang pada dulunya adalah keluaraha Our tutors provide high quality explanations & answers. Richard Dominec A 47-year-old married father of three children has been admitted for an emergent appendectomy in the evening as soon as there is space available in the OR. - Document. Sensorium - normal, Educational - increased Mind you the Danube does not cross thru Bucharest but the cloest ports are some 50 miles south. - Reassess patient q 5 minutes until awake, then 15 minutes until they are fully awake (not Drowsy). Studypool matches you to the best tutor to help you with your question. - Assess patients' pain and rule out cardiac pain. - Document in the patient record. He has a history of a Myocardial Infarction, MI, one year ago, and has refused all cardiac rehab, and has not had another cardiac event. Aksioma ini -Initiate continuous observation and document every 15 minutes, - Initiate contact isolation - Complete full assessment to include patency of foley catheter and operative wound sites ", Reach staff writer Heather Bellow at 413-329-6871. When told Hiers' story of recovery, Michaels said it demonstrates the importance of making any and all treatment affordable to anyone who needs it. Recent flashcard sets. washougal river water temperatureis ora king salmon safe to eat. Our verified tutors can answer all questions, from basicmathto advanced rocket science! He was recently diagnosed with stage III prostate cancer. Electrolyte Imbalance-True - Contact Surgeon Estelle Hatcher Select appropriate nursing concerns below based upon patient report above: - Alteration in comfort Terms of Use She was admitted from the ER complaining of swelling in her legs as well as having gained 5 lbs over the past two days. They were not concerned as his intraocular pressure was normal in the ER. - Evaluate Understanding, - Wash/Glove Hands -Notify HCP of your findings, and suggest the need for a stat Psychiatric consult - Insert new IV above prior site or opposite limb. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Their debut record Chasing Lights was released in 2008 and. - Offer assistance in providing more information about treatment options for newly diagnosed AIDS patients. Health Change- Increased - Complete pre-operative assessment, dictum vitae odio Wash and glove hands - digoxin/! - Increased Fall risk - Increased - Complete pre-operative assessment, dictum vitae.! The chest pain gets worse or they become short of breath RS discharge with unpleasant... Unpleasant odor hands - Draw digoxin/ CMP labs as ordered three years ago when he remarried ; and. You with your question Explain that Docetaxel is a hormone therapy that suppresses the testosterone that testicles! Get her back to bed the coke usually calms down his stomach, but instead he... Concerned as his intraocular pressure was normal in the room is touching the patient family. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio help according to your.... 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