Influence as in inventing theories that add to our understanding of the world, or influencing as in literally going out there and changing the world (politically, for example)? "But for the purposes of this article we are going to measure smart as the influence one has over others and society". They are usually found in finance and business, trust authority, and expect obedience. I still need to find how to handle this because I'm seriously interested in staying in science As an ISTJ I find this article very offensive. ESTJs are the eleventh most intelligent personality type. if( 'moc.enilnoefiltseb' !== location.hostname.split('').reverse().join('') ) { NTs tend to use their critical thinking for deductive and inductive reasoning. INTP is too busy making things work that they have no time to plan. We seek tools from high level Physics, Math, Stats, etc. Thanks! In actuality, they were the only tie on the list. Why would they when it strokes their egos so nicely and gives them an imaginary way to feel superior to the hordes of mindless "sensors" who are out there accomplishing things with their lives while these intuitive "geniuses" sit in their basements unable to function in society or, as one said, even drive? You aren't talking about cognitive functions. 7. Once you have figured this out you can break it down even further, but remember that all the other stuff is only around 15%. For example he mentioned on how F and T can be tyed 50 / 50 but went with T in comparison that pets can love but can't reason like human beings can. I hope you do not take this as utter rudeness, I just think that It may help readers in the future, thank you. Go on, explain to me why that "theory" is accurate, what you have to support it, why it makes any sense at all or how it is anything less than totally arbitrary. As an INF, "I" alway push INF to review their weakness, find it out and to fix it. 13. It can be quite analytical in terms off the outside world. I think intelligence is, as you've stated, a lot more complex than a simple dichotomy, but there are obvious traits that society in general determine as smart. T's are more into reason while F's are more into emotion. The INFJ is actually pretty brilliant, and the smartest person I know both scholastically and in life in general. Watch on We first need to define what we mean by smart. When it comes to actually turning that imagined thing into reality J's are great. (Or maybe you're a god and you're smart in all ways.). Lol you're right that's absurdely inaccurate. Anyway here is an interesting article about type intelligence. INTJ is too busy planning things that they have no time to make things work. Rarely, if ever, is this possible. A problem I see here is that you're relying solely on your intuitions here but not actually paying any attention to the actual facts. Tell me why Ns are not smarter than Ss. My EQ is quite good also because I'm an ENFP with constant exposure to people in a position demanding soft skills. It depends. Their energy are just spent in different directions and at different intervals, Great input and I would have to agree. They are not thick in anyway and are actually smart and sensible people academically. I wouldnt have guessed that just by sheer number ENFPs are more likely to have higher IQs. Famous INTPs seem spiritual on some level, I agree We make motivational quotes and carry wisdom. Very well said, you really hit on a lot of great points here. Why don't I go outside of personality and start talking spirituality? The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator consists of four categories and six subtypes: introverted (I) or extraverted (E), sensing (S) or intuition(N), thinking(T) or feeling(F), and judging(J) or perceiving(P). When compared with their extroverted (and also intelligent) counterpart, the ENTP, people who have an INTP personality type "will be more interested in theories and logical systems that govern the world around them," Holweger says. Rather than wasting energy on a girlfriend. my inputs ESTJs often excel in fields such as business and management. But you will find that a majority of the studies points more towards those who are (I), those who are (N), those who are (T), and those who are (J). I have to say that this is a pretty interesting study. They can also take things to heart quickly, building up resentment towards people who they think have done them wrong. Regarding your question about EQ, ENFJs and INFJs dominate in this area. But which personality type is the smartest? This may seem like a rare case, but a case I see far more often is a NT growing up in a family of sensors. ENTJs and ENFJs (intuitive types) have less than the average amount of people with high IQs as well, so its not necessarily a sensor versus intuitive thing. For example try to bring up the subject of "intuitive bias" within the MBTI Community and there would be RAGE and trolling immediately. What I've just explained is how I've engineered and manipulated myself into the perspective of an 'E' indicator. They've been forced to shutter over safety hazards. I know this is eons old now, but great article. Throughout my whole life I have enjoyed building real businesses by solving real problems. I'd like to look at intelligence as seeing how likely you are in reaching your goals. It is about being BOTH. Tertiary function is the weakest out of all, and they actually try to compensate for this and try to appear/act much smarter than they actually are. INTP: Loss of respect for ethics in the pursuit of scientific knowledge. READ THIS NEXT: The 5 Most Trustworthy Myers-Briggs Personality Types, Experts Say. This is awesome, thank you. What are the facts showing this as wrong? } 4. How's that for ENTP; basically "I say reverse-engineer IQ tests!" They are both so close and there are plenty of arguments on both sides. . INFP Finally, there are other levels of intelligence that need to be measured in order to determine a persons success in life. I would like to know where you got your numbers from, this all seems to be assumption and to me cannot be put down as a credible source unless you have facts to back up your theory's. You don't need those to gain the understanding I am illustrating. Not only does that pretty much prove how stupid the idea of "types" is (given how wildly different the descriptions for ESTP and INTP are), it's also a great balance, I guess, because I get all the perks of being one of those godly genius INTPs while at the same time I can drive and get things done with my life, without feeling the need to blog about how much smarter I am than everyone else because of some stupid personality test HR gave me. N's usually create things that the S's use. Dont forget it is a mean : The highest IQ now is VISHALINI (235) the indian girl INTP ; with Marilyn vos savant (228) who is INTP also. Its actually from 2011 or something like that. Additionally, a certain personality type, even if they're a 'Feeler' can be logical and solve a problem logically, just as every personality type can do things their personality type usually cannot. An hour of reading should bring you to the conclusion that you are heavily under-analyzing this topic because the theory goes much deeper than your current understanding of it. Yes, I may not agree with you on some points, but I haven't done a study either, so I can't say you are wrong. 12. Those are INTP and ISTP. Yeah, I'm exaggerating but MBTI indicates a preferential identification towards WORDS and SITUATIONS who can be interpreted in so many different ways. Thinking and Feeling have their respective strengths and weakness, but the most important thing is the way a person uses their Intuition to collect and understand information (N/S), and not the decisions they makes using that information (T/F). Or should it be Extroverted Intuition? They are good at consuming large amounts of information and solving analytical problems for widespread application. Is there a secret INTW type they don't tell us about that has all the smarties? Pair it with other traits like motivation or direction, it'll be a huge advantage. I think each type and function has it's own unique brand of intelligence you know? Finally, there are different types of intelligence as the author pointed out. This also helps my development of F. Other than that, the conceptualisation of the subject is great. The way you divided the importance of traits, and I repeat it was wrong to do so, was made on your feelings, which is not the way we write a decent article. This doesn't necessarily equate to influence, but it does equate to where they derive their energy. I've known smart and stupid of most all the types. I am an ENFP by the way, according to the test I took a few days ago. I think intelligence is just a tool for learning knowledge. Making the objective something everyone wants evens out the playing field a lot. The reason I put them higher than INFPs is because they can completely cancel out emotion which can quite often be time wasting, debilitating and can even cloud judgement. My original problem was confronted by the same exact problem, thereby leading me within a third logical concept, that would ultimately burn out by the realization of everything resulting in an opposing perspective. You would have to look into the individual functions (Ni, Ne, Fi, Fe, Ti, Te, Si, Se, etc.) They wanted to see how the percentages of MBTI types differed in each group. Perceiving. In the complexity science, a T has to see the problems from all possible perspective. Google and my calculator. I am talking in general. Also as I said S types can be more intelligent than N types, just in a different manner. Intjs are more likely to be virgins longer or die as virgins and invent practicle tools. For all things MBTI. 10. Smartest to dumbest INTP INTJ INFP INFJ ENTP ENTJ ENFP ENFJ ISFP ISTP ISTJ ISFJ ESTJ ESFP ESFJ ESTP Nicest to meanest ISFP INFJ ENFP ENFJ ESFJ ISFJ Press J to jump to the feed. I've witnessed it firsthand. I want to see facts, isn't that logical? - ESTP/ISTP: Most Skills Smart (Tend to be naturally very good at a lot of things, and are usually the best at hands on making/fixing things) How are you defining what being smart or intelligent as being?? The smartest person I've ever met was a confirmed INFP, yet so was the most naive and unintelligent person I've ever met. ENTJ: Thirst for world domination fueled by lust for power. I've known dull INTP's, ENTP's, and INTJ's. And hey, maybe you are a genius (in one way.) ESF are just as smart as INT. But I know I'm on to something. The F/T dichotomy is very flawed, because you mustn't forget that just because we have a natural preference does not mean we cannot use the other. It is easy to see why the demeanor of an I appears more intelligent than that of an E, but when it comes down to actual ability to understand complex ideas, I think I/E goes out the window. You have to be an N yourself. Interesting. However if asked to solve a problem their emotion may cloud their speed. 6. ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb, These people are most likely to be engineers and mathematicians, Robledo says. There is an ongoing emphasis placed on intelligence. I enjoyed your reasoning and agree with your ranking in the context of intelligence = influence over others/society. ISTJ- I put them higher than the ISFJ because they dont just blindly follow things like them. (however, the top students of summer classes seemed to score a little higher than intuits, probably because summer sessions require more memorization as opposed to understanding). I have not looked at this websites editing policy but if you could back up your theories with some set in stone fact, than maybe I will come back and view this in a new light. An introverted, intuitive feeler (INF) is going to be more rational than an extroverted, sensing feeler (ESF). what about a simple "I disagree because" ? But it is so small I don't even think it is worth noting. Of course we are both very similar, however. 99% of what humans do based on logic fails. - ENTP/ENFP: Most Big Picture Smart (By far the quickest to pick up on new ideas, hidden meaning, and whats actually going on in a situation. I believe that an ESFP can definitely be more intellectually successful than an INTJ. I's may prefer to think more rather than talk, but that doesn't mean they are better at thinking (in my experience). ISFJ (Introvert, Sensing, Feeling, Judging) is known as The Protector. 40% of geniuses belong to the Delta Quadra, which averages twice those of all the other Quadrae. Now to your analysis: All. And before you accuse me of feeling insulted because I'm one of them stupid "sensors," believe it or not according to the MBTI I am an INTP - the smartest of all types! Very few who lead with those functions are open to new ideas and aren't able to arrive to a conclusion that doesn't jive with their personal beliefs. Of course these types vary in IQ - there are also pretty dumb ENTPs and ENTJs. Which MBTI is the smartest? I believe that intj's are better than intp's at critical thinking. This is the first good counterargument Ive heard against this. Me: You know Bob quit his job and decided to . I'd rank my letters from most to least influential as N/S, I/E, T/F, and J/P. So you like being that scientist using those outdated tools to draw conclusions because they make you feel fuzzy inside? INTJ's aren't AS smart, but get things done. Neither are SP types, but SP types, due to their tendency to just do whatever they want to do in life would still intentionally use their intelligence to support their desire. Other smarties to make the list are ESTJs. So I didn't just only use MBTI to be like, oh look, he's why some people are intelligent. I really don't think dominant f types should be that high on the list just because they have an n. intp is the smartest, INTJ just knows how to use their intelligence more because of the J. Your comment falls under this category. I once partnered with an INFJ managing a State presidential Campaign - My partner was brilliant, and one of the few people to earn my respect - And yet when it came to "Strategic and Positioning" (Guessing) decisions he always deferred to my ENT thinking because he understood we were dealing with relating to many different personalites which the ENT has a natural understanding of. Reasonably common, comprising 8% of the general population, with 10% of women and 6% of men exhibiting this personality trait combination. Maybe I don't quite understand what's meant by influence being the marker for intelligence in this case, but I'm not sure I'd choose that as a unit anyways. On that end it really seems to me that extroverts should hold a little more weight. This Samuel individual is completely unnecessary. ESTJs are hardworking traditionalists and consummate organizers thriving on details. I am great in theology, philosophy and able in math and physics. ENTP is a rare personality type, comprising 3% of the general population, 4% of men, and 2% of women. I think that if you look at the leaders of Silicon Valley, of the ancient kingdoms, of the lost societies, of philosophical ideologies (note: not politics! These individuals are logical and analytical, and they have a strong sense of duty. And to yet another it may be impersonal. I would just like to say that I am an INTJ and my Ni function allows INTJs and INFJs to see the perspective and motives of others better than any other, thus allowing us to extrapolate those perspectives and make the most open- minded decisions. The ENTJ is just stubborn. We've all thought about it. And that is also why IQ tests are just one piece of intelligence. (I am ENTP 147iq) For my personal experiment INTP scores (statistically and i got the figures) generally higher on IQ test despite not seeking to score as highest as possible (because of the P part) so these people are profoundly intelligent, if you take this into account. Smart can mean a lot of different things to different people. But as soon as you say an N is more intelligent than an S everyone goes crazy. ENTP are one of the most imaginative and creative and at the same time one of the most rational, INTP are the most logical mbti type , and INTJ are very imaginative second most logical and have great analytical skill. The I's are more independent than the E's. Like you've said in an earlier comment, one fine day a person shows up, reads your article, says 'I never really thought about it like that before', and DOES AN ACTUAL STUDY! INFPs comprise 5% of women and 4% of men. In conclusion, this is all debatable and there are no absolutes. Excellent (logical) research without data. I am somewhat sticking my neck out by putting feelers above thinkers in many of the ways that I do. An introverted feeler is going to bring in greater accuracy than an extroverted thinker. So this begs the question, would it be better to have an accurate representation of something that is a little bit lacking (INF) or a less accurate representation of something that is a little bit more true (ENT)? In my case, my INFJ is a more mature version of my INTJ. For argument's sake, I'll go with it. BI chart is kind of redundant though as we know that certain types do not value money or accept it as a measure of success. I don't know you, but I know that you're experience isn't correctly representative of the Ni type, whether you already knew that or not, I simply had to aware you. Get over yourself. He could run circles around others without breaking a sweat. They commonly work in religion, teaching, and the arts. Known for Big Ideas such as the Universal String Theory or solutions to world problems, ENTJ exhibits extroverted thinking. navigator.sendBeacon('', payload); But according to what you're saying, you would pick the INFJ over the ESTP every time because the INFJ is smarter the majority of the time even though you could be missing out on a genius in the ESTP. Was I unnecessarily feeling inferior for being a sensor? It consisted of zero verses, within zero chapters of zero books, wrapped up in one simple binary, triple-oh sentences: That everything was a paradox; resulting in massive mix-ups, confusions and dupedoms ~ All based on subjective opinions, analyses and frankly, relativism. This needs to be emphasized because the other stuff really matters very little compared to the S and the N. Are E's or I's more intelligent? They are the most carefree of all times therefore the least intelligent. The only reason I put them lower than the INTJs is becuase they spend alot of time with people, having fun and influencing people, which wastes time. Okay heres why I listed them in that order. The true pattern-recognition based test gave me 95. Excellent (logical) research that is based on nothing but opinion and not reasonable at all. Perhaps not the smartest, but definitely the most influential. I am an INTP with an IQ of 142(Member of mensa). (This explains the reason why you must state in advance whether or not you are into hugging!) Am I less smarter than any T? E's derive their energy from I's. They just arent as pro-active or as consise as ENTPs and INTJs. where they are going in life or how something affects them or their group. This isn't an in depth study. This does not negate the positives of sensory people, however it shows that in certain areas intuitives have an advantage which is supported by clear historical facts. I think most animals would have neither T nor F as an option- these are both equally human traits. Honestly, we don't really know how Donna is so smart. The letters (traits) are nothing but to help the definition of the cognitive functions which are divided into Judging functions (Thinking extra/intro, Feeling extra/intro) and Perceiving functions (Intuition extra/intro, Sensing extra/intro). they dont specifically state that the most "intelligent" is the intj (multiple were included in this article). Might be I have some T in me because I often come to conclusion easily I barely or not recognise how my brain did that. People who are lacking here are more likely to act on selfish whims and engage in archaic, 'animalistic' behavior. So in terms of pure influence ESFJ's should be winning. And it would also be bad for creatives, because they would not be able to come up with certain ideas because there would not be the existing framework of society to uphold them to a certain degree (sure you can be creative in a desert, but wouldn't it be easier in a city with a whole system in place?). Have a nice day. It's obviously not easy to make such a generalized judgement on human intelligence. They can completely cut out time wasting emotional reactions and see logic, not only that they keep to themselves, storing even more information. As the series has developed, Finn has . However, it ignores other aspects of the human personality and doesn't really acknowledge a spectrum. The distinction lies within that "Feeling" is the evaluation of ethics (whether focused on the object or subject), and "Thinking" is the evaluation of logical systems. Although i would switch 2nd and 3nd places. We could develop a society that praises intuitive thinking/feeling (and I believe it would make the world less burdened by racism/homophobia/transphobia/ableism as these are sensory concepts of "we've always done it this way"). I put them higher than the ESFJ because they are more quick on their feet. Would you type an ST on average as more intelligent than an NF? How would you objectively rate intelligence? We constantly strive to provide you with the best information possible. Do you just sit and think of provacative nonsense to state? They do follow things alot but they also do know when there is no value or sense in something thats happening. e.g. According to the MBTI, maybe not. You're not saying what exactly is wrong. Not. I do think that the author does a good job with his approach. Feeling is usually a less logical approach to things, but when coupled with introverted intuition it becomes more logical as it is normalized through a much more precise channel. After you take an MBTI test, you'll be assigned a personality judgement in four "either/or" categories: Introversion (I) or extroversion (E) Sensing (S) or intuition (N) Thinking (T) or feeling (F) Judging (J) or perceiving (P) Your assigned letters will combine to form your personality type. Only problem being they spend so much time having fun. There's an ESFP out there who's smarter than you. sorry but how the hell is an NF smarter than an NT? Of course there are going to be lots of people who have a big problem with this article. Except that I think Js are smarter than Ps because Js are organized while Ps are spontaneous. "They are intelligent in the sense that they can learn to do anything that requires creation or building without much guidance.". Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a170acd3d54290c And just like the nature vs. nurture debate, the argument over street smarts vs. book smarts will be ongoing. Perhaps I'm one of those who's most in the clouds. Here's a bit of where I stray: Yes, we could. N dom personalities were not very high regard on his list (ENxP and INxJ). ESTPs are energetic thrill seekers with a good sense of humor. You will notice that all Ns have intuition first or second. Which is fine. The T-types thinking about what the world needs while the F-types tell the world about it. 14. A smart INTP can pretty much do what a smart INTJ can and a smart ENTJ can pretty much do what a smart ENTP can -- but a smart ENFJ probably can't do what a smart INTP can do. - INFP/ENFP: Most emotionally intelligent (Quickest to understand the true motives behind peoples actions) Though we shine in different areas. 3. They are energetic and passionate storytellers. I have talked about the cognitive functions in other places. So how close is the ENT to the INT? Because she is most decidedly oriented by the sensory object, which is what defines her as an extroverted sensation type, as was originally defined by Jung. This is the main reason that he takes the bottom place as he simply doesn't have the life experience to really have the knowledge and intelligence needed to be involved in this world. Those aren't the main problems, though. On the one hand an INF has great attention and focus, while on the other the ENT goes more off reason and data. Plus you're analysis is not backed by any scientific research or numbers. Fr nhere Informationen zur Nutzung Ihrer Daten lesen Sie bitte unsere Datenschutzerklrung und Cookie-Richtlinie. Very far. -INTP. The I's don't get their energy from the E's. To another it may be interpersonal. I expect I'll offend, and I expect in many cases I'm wrong, but I suspect many who flail around their IQs and personality types as credentials are a lot like me, basing their self-worth on abstract numbers and combinations of letters because they haven't much else to prove it, be it as obvious as a scientific discovery, or subtle as a well-worded, original argument not relying on self-professed expertise as evidence. as it pertains to all aspects of your daily life. (My best friend is ESTP and has a full-ride to MIT) MBTI is not a tool to decide who is more intelligent because it's pretty obvious to me that people who are born smart will be smart regardless of how they make decisions. They are tolerant and nonjudgmental and commonly found in healthcare careers. Intp seem to be more "spiritual". A certain type of intelligence that you may actually be really good at because this isn't concrete, it all depends on perspective and who you really are. 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